It was no surprise when PP Hero TERRY ADEVA gave her family a birthday blowout the Pusong Pinoy way. She has been a supporter of Pusong Pinoy and recently organized a fundraising event to help purchase books for Pusong Pinoy's ongoing book drive.
Happy Birthday, BENNY and ASHLYNNE ADEVA! You truly are a family of heroes! Thank you so much for sharing your blessings with the children of Parish Social Action Committee (PSAC).
Tuesday, August 31, 2010
Monday, August 30, 2010
PBCA is a group of badminton enthusiasts dedicated to the enjoyment and promotion of badminton, both as a sport and recreational activity. Their group aims to develop friendship and camaraderie among its members as well as with other groups or individuals who play badminton. Although they carry the Philippine name and color, membership is open not only to Filipinos, but also to other nationalities.
To join PBCA, contact Jun Bautista (President) at (951) 313-7492 or Ding Sayson (Secretary) at (909)538-6340. PBCA plays regularly at the Arcadia Badminton Club located at 12336 Lower Azusa Rd., Arcadia, CA 91006.
If you or your group is interested in having a book drive, please email us or contact the team leader in your area. Join us in reaching out to underprivileged kids in the Philippines. These are children who have never seen a picture book in their life or those who attend schools with minimal or no library facilities. Let's provide these kids the books they need. Promote literacy to eradicate poverty!
Saturday, August 21, 2010
Pusong Pinoy commends Liza and the entire volunteers that make up PSAC of San Vicente Ferrer Parish Church in Lipa City for their tireless acts of kindness and generosity towards less privileged families around their area.
Friday, August 20, 2010
The countdown begins for our bowling event spearheaded by USA West Covina Team Leader DAN PASAMONTE. In partnership with TERRY'S ESSENCE OF BEAUTY and CHERRY'S BEAUTY SALON, we invite SOUTHERN CALIFORNIA HEROES to join us to our:
Sunday, August 29, 2010
2:00 p.m. - 5:00 p.m.
Covina Lanes
1060 W. San Bernardino Road
Covina, California
(626) 339-1286
Thursday, August 19, 2010
List of items to be given per child:
2 kilos rice
2 large cans of sardines
5 ramen noodles
1 bottle of soy sauce (1 liter)
1 bottle of fish sauce (patis)
1 juice (tetra pack)
2 cupcakes for snack
1 soap
1 toothbrush
1 toothpaste
1 washcloth
1 pair of slippers
1 pencil
1 sharpener
1 eraser
1 box of crayons
1 drawing notebook
1 pad paper
ULINGAN, TONDO is a slum area in Manila. Children and adults alike gather uling (burned wood/charcoal) which is the source of income for the residents of the area. Hence, the name "Ulingan". They also sift through the ashes in hopes of finding nails they can resell. The children should be out playing, but instead risk burns, infections, and a host of other dangers trying to earn money for their family. Pusong Pinoy may not have the power to change their environment just yet, but perhaps by giving them the basic necessities, we may set them on the path to a better way of life.
PHOTO KALYE is a Flickr-based group dedicated to raising social awareness about poverty. This special group of photographers donate their time and resources to better the lives of the kids of Ulingan. Photo Kalye has been a partner of Pusong Pinoy since the beginning of our group. They were the recipient of the proceeds from the photo exhibit "Ulingan Underexposed" we hosted last year in Manila as well as our book drive and 2009 Christmas project for the kids of Ulingan. Thanks to all the AMAZING KALYETOGRAPHER HEROES for using their God-given talent to show Pusong Pinoy heroes that the kids of Ulingan exist and that they are in need of our assistance. Thanks PHOTO KALYE for your genuine concern for their welfare!

* * * * * U P D A T E * * * * *
Thanks to all our wonderful heroes! We completed this project!
Special thanks to the following extraordinary heroes for making this project a success:
*PP volunteer, Teng Sorreta, for transporting all the goods from San Juan to Tondo, Manila.
*PK President, Peegee Silo, for coordinating the activity with Ulingan Day Care Center and with the PP and PK volunteers.
*PK members and Project Lend a Hand volunteers who helped carry the goods to the Ulingan Day Care Center and distribute the bags to the kids.
*PP Philippine Core Team members CTL Jocel Estoque, TL Susan Chua, and TL Dette for packing all the bags to be distributed to the recipients.
*PK members Caroline Maralit and Joey Rico for providing 200 cupcakes as snacks for the kids.
*Dr. Mildred Agres for sponsoring the payment of 2 PP tarpaulins for this project.
*Lastly, thanks to all the generous donors and sponsors for helping us complete the list of goods for this project:
500 ramen noodles - received from Dr. Scot Muir of Ayrshire, Scotland
33 large cans of sardines - received from Dr. Scot Muir of Ayrshire, Scotland
167 large cans of sardines - received from Douglas & Jean Inness of Ayrshire, Scotland
100 toothpastes - received from Douglas & Jean Inness of Ayrshire, Scotland
100 bottles of soy sauce (1 liter)- received from Douglas & Jean Inness of Ayrshire, Scotland
200 cupcakes - Photo Kalyetographers Caroline Maralit & Joey Rico of Philippines
50 pairs of slippers - received from TL Nikki Lanaria of Australia
50 pairs of slippers - received from Ate Luisa of Planet Pansit, West Covina
100 washcloths - received from Carla Maralit-Apacible, Michelle Maralit-Samson, Trixie Maralit, Annabelle Maralit-Zaldarriaga, and Ces Lindog of Philippines
100 coloring books - Anonymous hero from Paranaque
4 sacks of rice - Anonymous Hero from Quezon City
100 large soap - Anonymous Hero from Batangas
33 pcs. of juice (BIG) - Anonymous Hero from Batangas
100 toothbrush - Dr. Mildred Agres of New Jersey
100 drawing notebooks - Dr. Mildred Agres of New Jersey
100 pad papers - Dr. Mildred Agres of New Jersey
100 erasers - Dr. Mildred Agres of New Jersey
100 boxes of crayons - Dr. Mildred Agres of New Jersey
100 sharpeners - Dr. Mildred Agres of New Jersey
100 bottles of fish sauce (patis) - Dr. Mildred Agres of New Jersey
100 pencils from previous PP collection
Sunday, August 8, 2010
Kerygma Asia planted its humble beginnings in February 2010 at Sitio Tawi-Tawi along the riverbanks of the Pasig-Cainta boundary where drug dealing, drinking sprees, gambling, and street brawls is a way of life. Out of this concern, Little Lights was born. As the ministry continued its mission, they came across out-of-school and never-schooled children which led them to start "Learning Lessons," a progressive Montessori-type learning system for 2 to 15 years old. They also provide feeding and hygiene programs.

We are calling on all our kind-hearted HEROES to put your hearts into this wonderful cause. Here is a list of items most needed by Little Lights and the community they serve:
Biscuits - 50 pails (P230/$5.20) – COMPLETED
Sugar - 25 kilos (P51/$1.16) - COMPLETED
Evaporated Milk - 50 cans (P25/$.56) - COMPLETED
Rice - 5 sacks (P1,500/$35) - COMPLETED
Sticky Rice - 2 sacks (P2,500/$56.82) - COMPLETED
Juice Drive - 50 packs (P60/$1.36) - COMPLETED
Elbow Macaroni - 30 kilos – (P62/$1.40) - COMPLETED
Spaghetti - 30 kilos – (P97/$2.20) - COMPLETED
Cocoa Powder - 25 packs – (P72/$1.64) - COMPLETED
Pencils – 412 - COMPLETED
Notebooks – 200 - COMPLETED
Books – 500 - COMPLETED
Every little bit helps. Make your contribution count. Please consider making a donation today.
************* U P D A T E **************
We completed this project in FIVE days! Thanks to the following heroes who made this possible:
10 large pails of biscuits - Newport Beach TL CARL BERNARDO
19 large pails of biscuits - Texas TL DANA MARTY GALI
100 notebooks - CONQUI BERNARDO (Ontario, CA)
550 children's books - MIKE HAYES (London)
14 kilos of elbow macaroni - Orange County TL HERBERT WENCESLAO
21 large pails of biscuits - PROJECT PEARLS (San Francisco, CA)
16 kilos of elbow macaroni & 5 kilos of spaghetti - NYLESOR TADEO (Israel)
25 kilos of sugar - West Covina TL DAN PASAMONTE
15 kilos of spaghetti - Fairfield TL ARNEL FRANCISCO & VTL CHINKY FRANCISCO
9 kilos of spaghetti - PAULA & ADRIA GALI (Texas)
5 sacks of rice - SEAN & JADA ENCINA, kids of Sara & Jowee Encina (Manila)
50 packs of powdered juice - SEAN & JADA ENCINA (Manila)
7 packs of cocoa powder - SEAN & JADA ENCINA(Manila)
1 sack of sticky rice - TONY VELBIS (Torrance, CA)
18 packs of cocoa powder - TONY VELBIS (Torrance, CA)
1 kilo of spaghetti - TONY VELBIS (Torrance, CA)
100 notebooks - TONY VELBIS (Torrance, CA)
412 pencils - HEROES from Dubai
1 sack of sticky rice(malagkit) - PP Team HK