Pusong Pinoy team with Dann, TJ and Rio Manotoc, K' Efren, K' Bonn and Cris (10 yr old hero) in June 2009

On July 29, 2009, Pusong Pinoy delivered 550 children's books to the Dynamic Teen Company headquarters in Cavite. DTC is a group of concerned young people with a mission of making a small yet significant difference in other people’s lives, particularly the small children in slum areas who have no access to education, basic hygiene, and sometimes, even love from their families. The group was founded in August 1997 by four teenagers from Cavite National High School. The initial group made up of around 20 members started as a friendship club which aimed to divert the attention of students from joining violent gangs and notorious fraternities that were thriving on the campus. Their major platform then was to cater youth awareness projects, talent and self development activities, and community services. Today, the group holds different activities to address these issues. DTC was nominated as CNN Hero for 2009. Click here to watch their video.